Definition: The spine consists of three main parts: vertebral body, intervertebral discs and facet joints.
Both upper and lower vertebrae are connected to each other through 2 facet joints.
These joints allow two vertebrae to move and rotate relative to each other.
Facet joints are among the synovial joints (with joint fluid). Therefore, like the knee joints, they may suffer wear and tear and then cause pain.
Symptoms:Dryness and pain in the back and neck may be symptoms of facet joint wear.
Pains caused by facet problems usually do not shoot to the limbs, and with warming up the body and some activity, the pain may decrease.
Epidemiology: Facet joint wear and tear, like other types of wear and tear, is more common in older people, obese people, multiple births, spine deviation (scoliosis) and among those who have done hard work for many years.
Treatments: In the first step of lifestyle modification, all kinds of painkillers, weight loss, physiotherapy, strengthening the back and abdominal muscles can be effective in controlling pain and symptoms.
In the next steps, according to discretion, the doctor may consider treatments such as intra-articular injections or block and RF of the nerves of the facet joints (radiofrequency)
Radio frequency of the nerves of the facet joints (Medial branch RF neurotomy): It is an effective method in the treatment and control of pain caused by wear and tear of the lumbar facet joints. In this method, the nerve fibers transmitting the pain message related to these joints are so-called burned.
This operation is performed on an outpatient basis in the operating room and does not require anesthesia and hospitalization of the patient, and the patient can resume daily activities the day after the operation.