RACZ training workshop, Antalya, Dr. Hossein Arjamand

The Rocks training workshop was held at Akdeniz University in Antalya with the presence of prominent professors from Iran, England and Turkey.
RACZ training workshop, Antalya, Dr. Hossein Arjamand

RACZ training workshop, Antalya, Dr. Hossein Arjamand

The Rocks training workshop was held at Akdeniz University in Antalya with the presence of prominent professors from Iran, England and Turkey. In this two-day workshop, the new Rocks Neuroplasty (RACZ) methods were taught in the back and neck areas, and at the same time, students practiced how to perform the procedures correctly on cadavers in the dissection hall for better training.

Rocks training workshop, Antalya, Dr. Hossein Arjamand, specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation

RACZ training workshop, Antalya, Dr. Hossein Arjamand
Pain clinic, Dr. Hossein Arjmand, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, pain specialist, Shiraz, spine specialist, Tavana pain clinic, back disc specialist, Dr. Hosein Arjmand, pain clinic