
Category :arthrosis



Arthrosis is actually equivalent to the word abrasion and means the occurrence of degenerative or destructive changes in different joints of the body.
Arthrosis is a part of the natural aging process in every human being and it starts from the beginning of youth. But sometimes due to various reasons such as excessive pressure on the desired joint over time, direct damage to the joint tissue due to trauma, weakness of the muscles around the joint, abnormalities Congenital skeletal problems such as club feet, unequal length of limbs, etc., this natural process takes on a pathological appearance and is accompanied by pain and disturbance in the daily functioning of the person. The most common joints exposed to arthrosis include: knee-shoulder-spine.

Treatment :

1. The first step in treatment is to modify the lifestyle and avoid activities that put pressure on the injured joint. For example, in knee arthritis, avoid long walks, going up and down stairs, sitting on the floor, and losing weight, etc.
2. Strengthening the muscles around the injured joint is the next step. Of course, the sports used should be controlled by the minister based on scientific principles so that double damage is not done to the injured tissue.
3. Physiotherapy can also be a part of the treatment process.
4. Part of the treatment may be the use of special orthoses, for example, in the knee, the use of special knee braces or the making of insoles suitable for each person's foot to adjust the distribution of pressure on the knee joint and reduce the pressure on the injured part.
5. The use of different drugs such as anti-inflammatory drugs can also be part of the process of pain treatment and control.
One of the new methods of abrasion control and treatment is the use of ozone gas (ozone therapy). In this way, this gas with a special combination with oxygen is injected in and around the injured joint during several sessions, and its regenerative and pain-relieving effects gradually appear during the treatment sessions.

6. Finally, in very advanced cases of arthrosis that do not respond to any of the aforementioned treatments, surgery and joint replacement can be one of the treatments.

In those who are candidates for surgery due to the severity of wear and tear, but their physical conditions do not allow such a heavy operation, RF nerve ablation or radio frequency waves can be used to modulate the transmission of pain messages from the injured joint. Of course, this part of the treatment requires special facilities and is performed in special centers under the guidance of a fluoroscope.
Currently, the facilities and conditions for this procedure are available

Author: Dr. Hossein Arjamand

Pain clinic, Dr. Hossein Arjmand, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, pain specialist, Shiraz, spine specialist, Tavana pain clinic, back disc specialist, Dr. Hosein Arjmand, pain clinic