Trigger Finger

Category :Upper limb

Trigger Finger

Trigger Finger

The feeling of fingers being stuck after folding them together with the pain in the place where the fingers join the palm. Opening the folded finger is painful and feels like pulling a trigger, and sometimes it is necessary to take help from the opposite finger.

The Reason:After performing hard and repetitive work, the tendon of the fingers may become inflamed and swollen, and their soft movement may be disrupted when opening and closing the fingers inside the tendon sheath. Dr. Hossein Arjamand, specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation, Shiraz, trigger finger
Other causes include diabetes, gout and rheumatism.

Diagnosis:It is given based on the physical examination and the history of the disease, and there is often no need to do a radiological examination.

Treatment:1. Avoiding doing hard work with the injured hand and resting it with the help of a finger splint or special splints
2. Using physiotherapy modalities such as paraffin bath and ultrasound.
3. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or diclofenac
4. Steroid injection in the damaged tendon sheath
5. In cases resistant to treatment, surgery may be considered.

Author: Dr. Hossein Arjamand

Trigger Finger
Pain clinic, Dr. Hossein Arjmand, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, pain specialist, Shiraz, spine specialist, Tavana pain clinic, back disc specialist, Dr. Hosein Arjmand, pain clinic