High power laser (HPLL)

High power laser (HPLL)

High power laser (HPLL)

Laser is a part of the spectrum of light. Light is an electromagnetic energy. Electromagnetic energy is usually measured by wavelength. Visible light has a wavelength between 380 and 740. Each color in visible light has its own wavelength. Different types of lasers are placed in a part of this spectrum according to their wavelength.

Light spectrum and laser
In terms of wavelength, lasers used in physiotherapy are placed after infrared or infrared waves. In other words, their wavelength is slightly longer than infrared waves.
The laser device is actually a kind of light amplifier. In fact, the laser device produces homogenous light waves in a concentrated manner, and this concentration and convergence causes a lot of energy to be generated in It becomes a surface unit, so it can be used in cutting metals and diamonds.
The waves of a beam of light from a laser device are coherent, monochromatic, and have the same polarization.

Laser features
Laser is obtained by putting together the beginning of the words of the opposite term: Light Amplification by Stimulate Emission of Radiation
Types of lasers used in physical therapy
• Class 3 or LLLT with a power of less than 500 milliwatt mw (cold laser)
• Class 4 or HPLT with a power of more than 500 milliwatt mw
Diseases and injuries that laser can be very effective in treating and healing:
• Types of sports injuries such as injury and inflammation of tendons, ligaments, muscles (tendonitis, ligament sprain, muscle strain)
• Peripheral neuropathy, inflammation of joint capsule and bursae (capsulitis, bursitis)
• Discopathy and radiculopathy
• Spinal canal stenosis
• Abrasion and arthrosis of joints
• chronic pain
• open wounds
• ...

Mechanisms of laser operation • pain reduction
• Reduce inflammation
• Increasing the healing speed of damaged tissues
• Muscle relaxation
• Stimulation of regeneration speed in damaged nerves
• Increasing the activity of the vessels of the treated area
• reducing the formation of fibrotic tissue
• Increasing the number of stem cells in the treated area
Many neuromusculoskeletal problems respond much better to HPLT types. Severity and chronicity of the injury may require multiple treatment sessions.
Tavana Pain Clinic is equipped with Giga high power diode laserIt is one of the selected lasers in the field of medicine, with a power of 30 watts and a wavelength of 980 + 1470 nm. One of the features of this laser is receiving the FDA certificate from the United States, which is a confirmation of the device's effectiveness and safety.
In addition to being used in a physiotherapy clinic, this device can also be converted into a surgical laser and can be used in disc laser operations. Also, having a special probe, it can be used to treat and eliminate spider veins caused by varicose veins.

High power laser (HPLL)
Pain clinic, Dr. Hossein Arjmand, physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, pain specialist, Shiraz, spine specialist, Tavana pain clinic, back disc specialist, Dr. Hosein Arjmand, pain clinic